A few words from us

Over the past few months, the situation in Gaza has flooded the news and social media, showing the travesty and horrors the people in Palestine are facing.

Inara Project stands with Palestine.

Half the population in Palestine are children who are suffering torment and injustice, and we watch with a heavy heart the rise in deaths.

Over 60% of those killed in Gaza are women and children. Women, having no access to basic healthcare and hygiene, are struggling to support their pregnancies, resorting to forcefully stopping their periods, and being unable to uplift their poor mental health.

At our core, our values of faith and unity extend to those beyond our local community as well as within, and we are here to support you.

Where you can, please continue raising awareness, donating to trusted fundraisers, boycott companies/products, and pray for the people of Palestine.

With so much misinformation spread, take the time to educate yourselves and those around you.

Inara Project x Nejma Collective

We’ve partnered up with the incredible Nejma Collective group to provide care packages for Muslim women in prison.

Nejma Collective is a group of volunteers who work in solidarity with Muslims in prisons by sharing resources.

Islam teaches us a lot about justice and how to approach it comprehensively and with good intentions to support those in prisons.

We’re so thankful to everyone who donated to the cause! We received so many items like shampoos, conditioners, and sanitary products which allowed us to make the very best care packages we could.

From the monetary donations, we were able to purchase sweets, dates and make-up products that showed our sisters in prison that we are a supportive Ummah, that will strive to protect their dignity even in difficult times.

We also want to thank our wonderful volunteers for creating the 50 care packages. Without stepping on each others toes too much, they spent time filling bags with sweets and dates, filling up bottles of ZamZam water (holy water), and taking the time to shop for the items needed.

And we want to give a special shoutout to our volunteer Danielle, who with her sorority sisters from all the way in America, wrote lovely notes of hope to give that extra bit of support to the sisters.

To wrap up our Muslim women in prison luxury care package project, our volunteers drove up to Surrey with the packages and delivered them personally to the prison.

The day involved spending time talking to the prisoners about their perspective and experience of following faith and having belief whilst in prison. There were many insightful conversations and it was lovely to be able to hear about their stories of hope.

We handed out the care packages one by one to the women and the smiles on their faces made every part of this project worthwhile. All your donations and the hard work from our volunteers paid off as the ladies received the care packages with delight.

It was amazing collaborating with the wonderful girls at Nejma Collective and as Inara Project grows, we look forward to future opportunities to continue working with Nejma and holding many more care package projects.

Stay Social, Stay Updated

You can found out what we’ve been up to, as well as new projects, by following our socials.

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Volunteering for Inara Project

Over the past three years since we’ve begun as a non-profit charity organisation, so many Dorset local residents, and even people from further out, have volunteered with us.

Now, we have different departments where all our wonderful volunteers can work together to plan, budget, advertise, and create the projects and events we hold across the year.

From Sew Good to our Ramadan events, from our socials to our Refugee campaigns — we inspire to uplift everyone we can in the community.

“Inara showed me how an individual can have an impact on the community and how they can do big things with the right support and facilities.” ~ Volunteer

There’s something for everyone at Inara Project, and every form of support is admired by us from you.

And that’s why…

We Want You!

Inara Project is always looking for volunteers to join us. We’ve grown so much these past years and we’ve achieved unbelievable things.

From the community kitchen to being on TV and radio, there’s really nothing we can’t do!

We have different departments with each team dedicated to helping us grow as well as uplifting the community and providing leadership opportunities for young women.

Some of the roles available include:

  • Marketing Volunteer — creating/posting content for our socials

  • Project Delivery Volunteer — ensuring the smooth running of our events

  • Video editor — editing videos taken by volunteers for media purposes

There’s something for everyone here at Inara, so if you’re interested in finding out more about these roles, please get in touch with us!

You can email us at enquiries@inaraproject.co.uk