Welcome to Inara Project News!
Our August paper has all you need to know about our events for the summer, our current Sew Good creative project, and our other monthly events. We always welcome new recruits, and you can find out more on how to become a volunteer by looking at our Join Us page.
Around the campfire
If there’s one thing we can call our volunteers, it’s brave. Camping out in the presence of nature - surrounded by fresh air, trees and…bugs. But our wonderful volunteers weren’t too put off by their temporary neighbors, and camped out to thank everyone who donated during our Ramadan Fundraising Campaign. They managed to put up some tents, make food, start a campfire, and truly enjoyed their time together doing an activity that they’ve never done before.
At Inara Project, we’re all about expanding horizons and stepping out of our comfort zones. There’s so many incredible things women can accomplish when they work together and we love every opportunity to showcase that.
Eid Social
For Eid, we loved seeing everyone come together for a celebratory Inara Project dinner, because what better way to laugh and create new memories than over the dinner table. We want to thank Chickaros for hosting us and serving such wonderful food and drinks.
Eid is such a special time, and to be able to see our friends and volunteers from across Dorset and outside the south means a lot to us.
We’ve grown so much as a charity and we look forward to continue to uplift the community.
And don’t worry, we have more summer socials to come! You can follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to see what’s coming up in August.
Sew Good to see you
We love to see our projects help and inspire passion and creativity. That’s why we created Sew Good along with our partners. All our sessions so far have seen our service users create amazing things with simply a thread and a needle (and thanks to the wonderful materials donations we received). In the last session, service users made door stops and make-up pouches.
Our next session is on the 9th September.
Email enquiries@inaraproject.co.uk to sign up.
Check out TOSH’s article about Sew Good here:
Uplifting Women and Illuminating Communities
In Our Voices
We’d like to apologise to those who signed up for our halaqa session last week as we weren’t able to run it.
The session is to happen on 13th August on a new topic of Aisha RA and her characteristics.
Our in our voices sessions always promote openness and understanding of the world around us, and we value everyone’s thoughts and opinions.
We hope to see everyone sign up to the session and we ask that you a bring a fun fact to share. It can be related to anything about the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) beloved third wife.
There’s so much we can learn from her life; what she did as a Muslimah, as the Prophets wife, and her character.
Sign up to the session here
[The session will run from 3pm - 5pm and a link to join online will be sent before the start. Location of the halaqa TBC]
Summer Fun
Beach, BBQ and sun: need we say more about our Inara Project summer?
We’re looking to host a BBQ on 26th August to celebrate the summer and connect with the community.
Hopefully the weather will stay sunny and warm (because nobody’s wants a soggy burger!) so keep an eye out for an official announcement on our socials.
The announcement will have all the details on where the BBQ is and how to sign up.
We Want You!
Inara Project is always looking for volunteers to join us. We’ve grown so much these past years and we’ve achieved unbelievable things.
From the community kitchen to being on TV and radio, there’s really nothing we can’t do!
We have different departments with each team dedicated to helping us grow as well as uplifting the community and providing leadership opportunities for young women.
Some of the roles available include:
Marketing Volunteer — creating/posting content for our socials
Project Delivery Volunteer — ensuring the smooth running of our events
Video editor — editing videos taken by volunteers for media purposes
There’s something for everyone here at Inara, so if you’re interested in finding out more about these roles, please get in touch with us!
You can email us at enquiries@inaraproject.co.uk