Welcome to Inara Project News!
Our July paper has all you need to know about our events in Ramadan, our current Sew Good creative project, and all our Eid shenanigans. We always welcome new recruits, and you can find out more on how to become a volunteer by looking at our Join Us page.
Our Ramadan Events 2023
This year during Ramadan, we launched numerous projects that reflect the values Inara Project hold during the blessed month.
Ramadan is the month of fasting for Muslims, known as Sawm, the fourth pillar in Islam.
We held our first Iftar dinner for the ladies in the Poole Mosque. We were grateful to everyone who attended, and to those that brought delicious side dishes.
The evening was spent having fun, surrounded by good food and good company. It’s always so incredible to see people in our local community get together to break our fast, stand in prayer, and share stories.
At the local Bournemouth Mosque and Islamic Centre, we hosted a Food Drive Mission for the vulnerable people in the community to access food, hot and cold, as well as an assortment of drinks and snacks, all donated by the community.
Volunteers worked together to create food packages from the assortment of food, and we sent them out to vulnerable people around Bournemouth Gardens.
Inara Project volunteers are grateful for the support we receive by the local community. Ramadan is the month for sharing and caring, which is why we wanted to give to the asylum seekers community. We created 100 extra food packages so they too could enjoy a hot meal.
Inara Project Increasing the Peace!
At the Increase the Peace festival in Boscombe, volunteers at Inara Project had a stall to showcase what we’re all about.
We showcased all the amazing products our wonderful services users made during our Sew Good projects as well as talk about some more of our projects that we create to uplift the community.
It was truly wonderful to see so many different organisations come together to promote peace and inclusivity, and meet those interested in getting involved with us.
And we thank everyone who made donations to us.
In Our Voices
At Inara Project, we value hearing opinions and experiences by women in our community and recognise the power their voices hold.
That’s why we launched In Our Voices, a platform for women to speak their views on a range of topics that are relevant to our society.
Our In our Voices session in Ramadan was on ‘Exploring Forgiveness’ — attendees gathered at Poole Mosque to talk about the importance of forgiveness, how we look to receive it, and how we look to bestow it.
We loved hearing what all our sisters had to say on the topic and look forward to seeing everyone at the next sessions.
We announce these sessions on our Instagram @inaraproject_, and our next session is on the 23rd July.
Inara Aiming High
Inara Project started nearly three years ago by a small group of friends who wanted to uplift women to uplift the community.
In these past years we are amazed by the progress we’ve made and how much we’ve grown to become the charity we are today.
And we couldn’t have accomplished this without our ambitious volunteers, amazing partners, and the incredible support from the public.
We’d like to thank everyone who nominated us for the BCP Chairmans Community Award for our Outstanding Contribution to the community!
One thing to note about us is that we don’t do things by half. We’re always aiming to do the best we can, and be the best we can.
Which is why we are so excited to announce that we were voted to be the Community Heroes in July for CAN (Community Action Network).
We want to say a big thank you to all of you who voted for us. We can’t wait to do more for the community — from creating new opportunities for service users to benefit from, to providing leadership experiences to our wonderful volunteers.
What better way to celebrate Eid Al-Adha, the biggest of the two Eids in the Islamic calendar than by busting out some of our favourite nasheeds on radio.
Our department leads Nawshin and Rajni had a blast with the Hope FM team to talk about Inara Project and celebrating Eid.
You can listen to our Hope FM radio interview here:
You can also check the fantastic article CAN wrote about us in their July Spotlight paper.
Getting creative has never felt Sew Good
Currently, our main project is called Sew Good. We’ve partnered up with other organisations such as BEAF and Seeking Refuge Project in order to bring creative sewing sessions to vulnerable women in the community. We aim to provide a safe space for the service users to explore their creativity, learn a new skill, and make new friends.
So far the creative service users have made tote bags, cushions, scrunchies, stuffed toys, and purses. The possibilities with some thread, needles, and a machine has never felt so infinite as it does in these sessions and we are truly grateful that we are able to provide this opportunity with our partners for the women in the community.
Our Sew good sessions happen one Saturday every month. Our next crafty session is 8th July. The sessions are from 10am-2pm at The Old School House in Boscombe. If you’d like to join in on the fun, please get into contact with us!
Email enquiries@inaraproject.co.uk
Check out TOSH’s article about Sew Good here:
What’s happening in July at Inara
We have quite a few events going on in the upcoming month!
8th: Our fundraising shenanigans, where a few of our brave volunteers will camp out for a night. They’ll be posting live updates of the night on Instagram, so be sure to tune in to see just how they fair in nature.
Ramisa and Murshida, our communications volunteers will compete in a Bake Off. Both are very good at their crafts, but its time to see whose the best of the best.
We’ll update everyone on Instagram the details for the competition.
9th: We will be hosting an Eid social at Chickaros, a local restaurant in Bournemouth. Come and celebrate the year so far with us! You can sign up here.
23rd: Our next In Our Voices session (which you can also join in live online!) is happening at Poole Mosque. You can sign up to join here.
28th: And finally, we’re excited to host another Ashura Iftar at Poole Mosque this year. It was such a success last year and we can’t wait for everyone to get together again for a night of good fun and amazing food, of course.